· Sky Interior
E. Incheon Station Mall
Subway Mall 240m -2016Year
· With nice photos
Produce a vivid picture of nature.
· Hidden & Show
Scene of falling leaves
- A digital interior where the leaves are shaken using a wallpaper printed with wood and another wallpaper printed with leaves.
· Trick Art
Create a vivid and amazing world with various tricks art
A Gateway to a New World
Window Art
· Background Light Art
- Bring Spaces Alive
- Illustration picture background
What if it gets colored?
Light Art Tower
· Wolmi Park – Project / 4-7m Height
_ The material is made of PE and all structures are waterproof.
_ The first stage is composed of lighting and is used to illuminate the surroundings.
_ Stages 2-6 are used for advertising and promotional purposes. (2-sided Light Canvas)
_ The 2-6 stage body is also made up of a weak illuminant and is used for promotional purposes.